Happy reading this week and don't forget to like One Great Book on Facebook or Twitter for books that take a walk on the wild side!
Oh, and if you want to check out my other contenders click on Building Our House or Matchbox Diary. Both are beautiful books that have a shot at the shiny sticker.
Author: Peter Brown
Target: Preschool - Grade 1
What this book is about:
Mr. Tiger is living a prim and proper life in the city. While he fits in with all the other residents, he really isn’t very happy. One day he decides to let nature take over and go a little wild. He starts walking on all fours (gasp!) and wearing no clothes (egads!) He goes to the wilderness where he fits in better, but none of his friends are there and he misses his home. However, upon returning, he finds that even his friends have started to explore their wild side and they all feel better about just being themselves.
Mr. Tiger is living a prim and proper life in the city. While he fits in with all the other residents, he really isn’t very happy. One day he decides to let nature take over and go a little wild. He starts walking on all fours (gasp!) and wearing no clothes (egads!) He goes to the wilderness where he fits in better, but none of his friends are there and he misses his home. However, upon returning, he finds that even his friends have started to explore their wild side and they all feel better about just being themselves.
Why I love this book:
First off the illustrations are gorgeous. Peter Brown has a distinct style and it is superbly fitted to this story. You know the illustrations are good when the wordless pages say even more than the pages with text.
First off the illustrations are gorgeous. Peter Brown has a distinct style and it is superbly fitted to this story. You know the illustrations are good when the wordless pages say even more than the pages with text.
I like the message in the story. Hey, we all feel constrained by our environment sometimes, and it is about finding the balance of when to be our wild selves and when to be a little more prim and proper based on our surroundings. What teacher or parent doesn’t appreciate giving kids that lesson?
Who this book is for:
Fun book for all kids.
Fun book for all kids.
Final thoughts:
The illustrations really set this book apart.
The illustrations really set this book apart.
To purchase this book, click on the following link to connect to Amazon: Mr. Tiger Goes Wild
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