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Author: Lester Laminack
Target: Preschool - Grade 2
What this book is about:
When a peacock unexpectedly shows up at the Tucker’s farm, his fancy plumage brings in all sorts of buyers to their produce stand, The hens get their feathers in a ruffle thinking the peacock is all show and no work. They make a deal with the peacock to trade places - the peacock lays the eggs and the hens attract crowds to the produce stand. After a lot of hard work, and no results, they all realize that they each have their own unique talents they should appreciate!
When a peacock unexpectedly shows up at the Tucker’s farm, his fancy plumage brings in all sorts of buyers to their produce stand, The hens get their feathers in a ruffle thinking the peacock is all show and no work. They make a deal with the peacock to trade places - the peacock lays the eggs and the hens attract crowds to the produce stand. After a lot of hard work, and no results, they all realize that they each have their own unique talents they should appreciate!
Why I love this book:
First, illustrator Henry Cole does a wonderful job with those hens. He captures their outrage, their fancy duds and their exhaustion with brilliance.
First, illustrator Henry Cole does a wonderful job with those hens. He captures their outrage, their fancy duds and their exhaustion with brilliance.
This is also a wonderful read aloud book. The illustrations are bold and striking and the absurdness of peacock laying eggs in the hen house and the hens stoping traffic with their fancy duds just lends itself to children laughing! Of course the ending also leaves us hanging.....
Who this book is for:
Great for all kids. Nice lesson on appreciating your talents.
Great for all kids. Nice lesson on appreciating your talents.
Final thoughts:
This book won the Children’s Choice Book Award for picture books, which is voted on by actual children, so there is no doubt that it will be a crowd pleaser!
This book won the Children’s Choice Book Award for picture books, which is voted on by actual children, so there is no doubt that it will be a crowd pleaser!
To purchase this book, visit your local bookstore or click here for a link to Amazon: Three Hens and a Peacock A portion of each purchase goes to support this blog.
Final thoughts:
Temptations that are too good to resist...perhaps there is a little George in all of us.
To purchase this book, visit your local bookstore or click here for a link to Amazon:
Oh No, George!
A portion of each purchase goes to support this blog.
A portion of each purchase goes to support this blog.
Author: Chris Haughton
Target: Preschool - Kindergarten
What this book is about:
George is left alone by his owner, and while he promises to be good, sometimes it is just too hard and he gives in to temptation - digging up flowers and eating cake. However, after a heartfelt apology to his owner, who has returned home, George uses his new will power to resist temptation on their walk outside. But can a garbage can prove just too enticing to resist?
George is left alone by his owner, and while he promises to be good, sometimes it is just too hard and he gives in to temptation - digging up flowers and eating cake. However, after a heartfelt apology to his owner, who has returned home, George uses his new will power to resist temptation on their walk outside. But can a garbage can prove just too enticing to resist?
Why I love this book:
First I really enjoyed the interactive nature of the book. Our narrator asks, “what will George do?” and kids have to predict how he will behave. Secondly, the illustrations are bold and with such vibrant colors that they are immediately appealing. Lastly, I love the book’s message. George owns up to his mistakes and works hard on his self control, showing that he can be responsible for his behavior.
First I really enjoyed the interactive nature of the book. Our narrator asks, “what will George do?” and kids have to predict how he will behave. Secondly, the illustrations are bold and with such vibrant colors that they are immediately appealing. Lastly, I love the book’s message. George owns up to his mistakes and works hard on his self control, showing that he can be responsible for his behavior.
Who this book is for:
Kids who love interactive books. A great read aloud book.
Kids who love interactive books. A great read aloud book.
Temptations that are too good to resist...perhaps there is a little George in all of us.
To purchase this book, visit your local bookstore or click here for a link to Amazon:
Author: Christoph Niemann
Target: Preschool- Kindergarten
What this book is about:
In this book, a girl is wondering how things work. Her friend looks at a a steamroller and imagines two bears rolling over and over being tickled by a bird. Her friend imagines an airplane that is flown entirely by flapping chickens! The explanations get more and more creative until they get to a bicycle, were the girl’s explanation triumphs over all.
In this book, a girl is wondering how things work. Her friend looks at a a steamroller and imagines two bears rolling over and over being tickled by a bird. Her friend imagines an airplane that is flown entirely by flapping chickens! The explanations get more and more creative until they get to a bicycle, were the girl’s explanation triumphs over all.
Why I love it:
The words are simple but have a lovely cadence! Also, it is so much fun for kids and adults to imagine whimsical alternatives to everyday things. The illustrations are also bold and delightful.
The words are simple but have a lovely cadence! Also, it is so much fun for kids and adults to imagine whimsical alternatives to everyday things. The illustrations are also bold and delightful.
Who this book is for:
Children with a wonderful sense of curiosity.
Final thoughts:
I hope Niemann comes out with more books on how things work. I have always wondered what goes on behind this computer screen - a rat maze perhaps?
To purchase this book, visit your local bookstore or click here for a link to Amazon: That's How!
Author: Hope Vestergaard
Target: Preschool-Grade 2
What this book is about:
You have potty trained you child, the work is done...or is it? Now it is time to focus on toilet habits! If you know any children who are afraid to flush, have bad aim or don’t zip up, then this book may do the trick. With really clever rhymes, the children of Sycamore preschool learn potty etiquette!
You have potty trained you child, the work is done...or is it? Now it is time to focus on toilet habits! If you know any children who are afraid to flush, have bad aim or don’t zip up, then this book may do the trick. With really clever rhymes, the children of Sycamore preschool learn potty etiquette!
Why I love this book:
The rhymes for each lesson are cute and funny without ever being gross! And really, who doesn’t love a little bit of potty humor!
The rhymes for each lesson are cute and funny without ever being gross! And really, who doesn’t love a little bit of potty humor!
Who this book is for:
Kids who are already potty trained but need to be reminded to use good habits. (or teenage boys!)
Kids who are already potty trained but need to be reminded to use good habits. (or teenage boys!)
Final thoughts:
I give it the five flush salute!
I give it the five flush salute!
To purchase this book, go to your local bookstore or click here for a link to Amazon: Potty Animals: What to Know When You've Gotta Go!
A portion of each purchase goes to support this blog.
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