Don't forget to Like One Great Book on Facebook and Twitter for all the books that feature statues of Hello Kitty by Tom Sachs - yes it's in there!
This book is about putting words and visuals to feelings. However, much to the chagrin of the author, animals keep making their way on to the pages. She finally lets them in, because animals have feelings too. The problem - now they have to change the name of the book!
Ok, true confession time. I love modern art. If I had unlimited funds my walls would be filled with amazing artwork. I also love exposing my kids to art. When we were in NYC last summer, one of our best days was trip to MOMA where the kids got completely caught up in works which challenged them intellectually and visually. One of the reasons they were so open to MOMA is that I have exposed them to art throughout their lives - see what a good mother I am, and modest too!
Great book to get kids in touch with their feelings and give them words to express them while making them laugh. Exposing them to great art just makes this the trifacto of kids books.
Final thoughts:
Kids can enjoy art when presented in an engaging way. Get them cultured with this fun story.
To purchase this book:
Click on the following link to connect to Amazon: There Are No Animals in This Book (Only Feelings)
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