Friday, April 4, 2014

Great Baseball Books for Kids

With baseball's opening day this week, I thought I would take the opportunity to share two of my favorite lesser known baseball books.  While Matt Christopher and Mike Lupica remain the gold standard for sports books, especially baseball, there is some great stuff out there for kids who love the game.  You will come out swinging with these books and your kids will have a can't put down read.  Sounds like home run to me (too many baseball puns?)  Oh ... and Go Giants.  It's the home team.

Two Hot Dogs With Everything by Paul Haven

I love this book.  It is great for kids who play the game and kids who are just fans.  It combines a love of baseball, an obsession with baseball superstitions and a who dun it into a page turner.

Strike Three, You're Dead by Josh Berk

Lenny knows baseball, so when he gets the chance to be an announcer at a major league game, he is over the moon, that is until the pitcher dies on the mound!  Nothing seems right and Lenny and his friends start an investigation of their own to figure out what happened.

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