I am thrilled I had a chance to experience this book. It was a can't put down read. Some of the questions it asks are extremely thought provoking, and I can see teens gravitating towards these topics.
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Author: David Levithan
Target: Grade 8 and up
Series: No
What this book is about:
A is sixteen and wakes up in a new body everyday. These bodies only have one thing in common, and that is that they are the same age as A. A awakens as a girl or boy, A can be rich or poor, sick or healthy and of any ethnicity. A has learned to leave the bodies with no trace of A’s presence. However, one day A meets Rhiannon and falls in love. Suddenly A must do anything to see Rhiannon and be with her as A begins to confront the idea a whether love is blind and what responsibility A really has to the bodies A inhabits. (I want you to know how hard that was to write without using a pronoun for A!)
A is sixteen and wakes up in a new body everyday. These bodies only have one thing in common, and that is that they are the same age as A. A awakens as a girl or boy, A can be rich or poor, sick or healthy and of any ethnicity. A has learned to leave the bodies with no trace of A’s presence. However, one day A meets Rhiannon and falls in love. Suddenly A must do anything to see Rhiannon and be with her as A begins to confront the idea a whether love is blind and what responsibility A really has to the bodies A inhabits. (I want you to know how hard that was to write without using a pronoun for A!)
Why I love this book:
Blew me away. There were so many interesting ideas presented in this story. First off I love the idea of walking a day in someone else's shoes. Your empathy and understanding of drug addiction, family life, sexual orientation, kindness and cruelty are all viewed so differently through the filter of someone else's life.
Blew me away. There were so many interesting ideas presented in this story. First off I love the idea of walking a day in someone else's shoes. Your empathy and understanding of drug addiction, family life, sexual orientation, kindness and cruelty are all viewed so differently through the filter of someone else's life.
There is also the idea of whether we can love someone no matter what they look like. A presents him/herself as a different person on the outside to Rhiannon every day, but who A is on the inside never changes. How much does each element matter?
And finally I love the idea of the sense of responsibility we have with the truth others share with us. In A’s case, that truth is involuntary, but everyday we get to see someone else's reality and how do we respect that?
Who this book is for:
While there is no sexual content, A does inhabit the bodies of drug addicts and transgender kids. These are extremely well written, but it is up to a parent how much they have discussed these topics with their children.
While there is no sexual content, A does inhabit the bodies of drug addicts and transgender kids. These are extremely well written, but it is up to a parent how much they have discussed these topics with their children.
Book reads quickly as it is a day to day account in each new body, so most kids will easily get into this story.
Final thoughts:
Just a beautifully written book that brims over with empathy, but also responsibility and kindness.
Just a beautifully written book that brims over with empathy, but also responsibility and kindness.
To purchase this book:
Click on the following link to connect to Amazon: Every Day
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