For younger kids, I like to pair a book with a gift, so I will be including my recommendations for things that work with these titles. Books are gifts that will continue to give back, long after the holidays are over. So don't despair if it is a gift that is overlooked in the excitement of the day. Know that when the hullabolu is over, you can steal some quiet time away with your child and enjoy a wonderful new adventure together!

Crafty Chloe by Kelly DiPucchio is a delightful book with absolutely adorable illustrations. Chloe is as crafty as can be, and her skills are put to the test when another girl buys the perfect birthday gift for Chloe's best friend. Can handmade still be good enough? Well, as it turns out, Chloe's handmade gifts save the day! I would pair this with Klutz's Super Simple Sewing, which is just right for little girl hands. To purchase the book on Amazon, click here: Crafty Chloe

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems is one of those books that every child should own. If they already have it than they need his latest in the series, The Duckling Gets a Cookie. In Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, the bus driver is on a break and asks the reader to watch his bus while he is gone and specifically not let the pigeon drive it! Well the next thing you know, pigeon is begging the reader to let him drive the bus. He will try every trick in the book ... can our reader stay strong? I would pair this with Don't Let the Pigeon Finish This Activity Book! It is a wonderfully interactive design that has the reader playing games, coloring and even creating an airport with pigeon. The activities are all geared for younger kids, making it a nice match. To purchase the book from Amazon, click here: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! (Big Book Edition) (Pigeon Series)

This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen is a wickedly funny book. Our little fish (with a hat that fits perfectly) knows that the big fish he took it from will never wake up and figure out what happened. Or will he? With few words and suspenseful visuals, Klassen manages to take us on a very funny journey with deadpan humor. I would pair this with ... surprise surprise ... a fun hat. In our house a viking hat is the go to, but any winter chapeau is a great addition to gift with this book. Couldn't resist putting in this picture of a little viking! To purchase the book from Amazon, click here: This Is Not My Hat

As always, any purchase you make through the website goes back to support one great book. My next post will look at gift books for middle grade readers, so check back on Monday for more great holiday ideas.
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