Friday, February 5, 2016

Kid Books for President's Day

President's Day is right around the corner so I thought I would share some of my favorite books on the subject.  With the impending election, this is a great time to talk with kids about the role of the Presidency and our government.  Just how does the someone get the job and what role did our Founding Father's play in the government that exists today?  Heady stuff, but I know you can handle it.

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Looking at Lincoln by Maira Kalman

I adore the quirky style of the author Maira Kalman as she tackles our 16th President.  Kids will learn about his beliefs in freedom, the cost of war and Lincoln's search for justice and truth.  They will also learn that he loved vanilla cake and that his tall hat held his notes.  A book that perfectly marries the humor of the man with seriousness of the times.  It is a permanent addition to our home library.

Where Do Presidents Come From?: And Other Presidential Stuff of Super Great Importance by Michael Townsend 

This is a hilarious comic book version of the founding of our democracy all the way to explaining what presidents actually do!  Kids learn about the daily life of a president, the pros and cons of the job, how Washington scored the position and even some very useful things including the three branches of government, the electoral college and the Constitution.  The best part is that the book is so well done that kids will read it willingly!  It's a President's Day miracle.

See How They Run: Campaign Dreams, Election Schemes, and the Race to the White House by Susan E. Goodman 

This book is a lighthearted civics class on the history of our democracy, how the system works and interesting facts on the road to the White House.  It is filled with anecdotes, colorful illustrations and side bars with interesting tidbits.  This is the perfect example of how a complex topic can be written in a funny and comprehensive way for kids.  One of my sons has read this book three times - just for fun!

Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from America's Presidents (Kid Legends)by David Stabler

This book is filled with stories about the American Presidents when they were kids.  We learn about Teddy Roosevelt’s obsession with natural history, Bill Clinton’s musical abilities and Herbert Hoover’s time living with the Native Americans, to name a few.  These future presidents plucked chickens, scooped ice cream, played pranks on their teachers and got into fights with their siblings.  This is a fun way to show our children that no matter what, they too can grow up to be President!

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