The award has been dominated in the past by Mo Willems and his Elephant and Piggie books, but his books are so darn clever, he really deserves every award. This year his latest Elephant and Piggie won an honor but not the big prize. That went to a first time author and it is always fun to see new up and comers in this category. Hope this is not the last we see of Greg Pizzoli.
Don't forget to Like One Great Book on Facebook and Twitter for all the new, snazzy authors bringing you the latest in children's fare. Come on, you don't want to be the last to know ... that would be emberassing!
This book is about a fear that every child has had at least once in their lives - what happens if you swallow a watermelon seed? Well crocodile is no different from any young kid. Will a plant grow in his stomach? Will vines come out of his ears? Will he be the stuff of fruit salads? With one well timed burp the seed is expelled along with his fears, but will he be able to resist the delicious fruit that comes with such risks? Me thinks not!
Clever, clever story on something every child has considered at least once. The bold and retro feel of the green and pink illustrations just jump off the page as their simplicity mirrors the true simplicity of this very frightful issue.
If children are going to read this on their own they have to be comfortable with multi syllable words. If you are reading it to a child, I think most kids will really get a kick out of this story.
Final thoughts:
Will seedless watermelon make this book irrelevant? Perhaps he should have used a lemon.
To purchase this book:
Click on the following link to connect to Amazon: The Watermelon Seed
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