Oh, and a nice way to remind your kids how sweet books can be is to include one along with the candy on Valentine's Day. They need somewhere to put their chocolate fingerprints so you can remember how young they once were.
Don't forget to Like One Great Book on Facebook and Twitter for none of the heart wrenching, tear inducing, cute little kitten books that will induce a gag reflex. Yep, I really don't like those books.
What do you do if you a monster in a world full of cute kittens, puppies and bunnies? Why find someone to love you just the way you are of course. What do you do if you look high and low (and even in the middle) and still don’t find someone? Why keep looking of course. What do you do if you have been looking and looking and have lost your oomph? Why sometimes love comes when you least expect it.
The tone of this book is just delightful. Monster’s tenacity and goggly eyes are just irresistible. I also love the message that the best things come when you are not always looking for them - they can surprise you.
My daughter and I had a fun, giggly time with this story. I think most kids will like it, and while sentimental in parts, it is not too mushy for boys.
I am loving the back of the book which is literally the back of the monster - get it!
To Purchase this book:
Click on the following link to connect to Amazon: Love Monster
Author: Brenda A. Ferber
Target: Preschool - Grade 3
What this book is about:
Leon has a very big crush on Zoe Maloney. When he tries to make her a Valentine proclaiming his love, that Valentine runs away - aghast that Leon would tell Zoe that he loves her! Our Valentine thinks it is mushy, gross and just plain YUCKY! As Leon chases his Valentine down the road, our renegade heart is chanting “Love is yucky. Stinky too. It will turn your brain to goo!” After several fun encounters during the chase, Leon runs into Zoe. Will love prevail?
Leon has a very big crush on Zoe Maloney. When he tries to make her a Valentine proclaiming his love, that Valentine runs away - aghast that Leon would tell Zoe that he loves her! Our Valentine thinks it is mushy, gross and just plain YUCKY! As Leon chases his Valentine down the road, our renegade heart is chanting “Love is yucky. Stinky too. It will turn your brain to goo!” After several fun encounters during the chase, Leon runs into Zoe. Will love prevail?
Why I love this book:
This is such an entertaining book for kids who on the one hand like the idea of love on Valentine’s Day, but on the other hand are completely embarrassed and disgusted by it. It is funny, right on point, and of course the ending doesn’t disappoint.
This is such an entertaining book for kids who on the one hand like the idea of love on Valentine’s Day, but on the other hand are completely embarrassed and disgusted by it. It is funny, right on point, and of course the ending doesn’t disappoint.
I dare kids not to laugh, and get completely caught up in the fabulous illustrations by Tedd Arnold. They are bold, colorful and perfectly expressive.
Who this book is for:
Great for all kids and it would make a great read aloud for Valentines Day!
Great for all kids and it would make a great read aloud for Valentines Day!
Final thoughts:
”Love is yummy, Love’s divine. Won’t you be my Valentine?”
”Love is yummy, Love’s divine. Won’t you be my Valentine?”
To purchase this book:
Click on the following link to connect to Amazon: The Yuckiest, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever
A portion of each purchase goes to support this blog at no cost to you.
Title: Plant a Kiss
Title: Plant a Kiss
Author: Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Target: Preschool - Kindergarten
What this book is about:
Little Miss plants a kiss - sunshine, water, greet, repeat! From that kiss grows something lovely. Others don’t want her to share for fear it’s far too rare and it will go bare. But Little Miss is not afraid and when all the blooms from the plant are distributed, she finds that it has grown far beyond her expectations!
Why I love this book:
Ok, this is my one sappy book for the year. Generally I am not fond of the sentimental titles but this one was cute enough to recommend. The glitter on each page is a magical touch and it is such a sweet message that love shared grows bigger.
Who this book is for:
For any parent/child who enjoys a winsome, endearing story.
Final thoughts:
This book is short and sparkly!
To purchase this book:
Click on the following link to connect to Amazon: Plant a Kiss
A portion of each purchase goes to support this blog at no cost to you.
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