If I were being held hostage by a group of rogue librarians and they made me pick only one early chapter book to read to a group of sugar crazed 2nd graders, with no other choices in sight ... I would pick Lulu ... hands down.
Don't forget to Like One Great Book on Facebook or Twitter for all the books that will get you out of a hostage situation, or perhaps I should say, will delight even the rowdiest of second graders. Yes, I promise.
In Lulu’s latest adventure, her parents decide to take a trip on their own (gasp!) and Lulu must stay with a babysitter. However, this babysitter is most definitely NOT Mary Poppins and Lulu is NOT pleased. After concocting several schemes to eliminate the sitter from her home, Lulu finally comes to a truce with her when her babysitter reveals an astonishing secret. Now Lulu is begging her to stay!
First, I LOVE the Lulu books. Judith Viorst has a wonderful way of including kids in the story and making them feel apart of the action. Between addressing the reader directly and creating repetitive and clever rhymes, kids are caught right up in the adventure.
She didn’t think kids would pick up a book titled “Lulu’s Babysitter.” She then feels slightly bad about tricking the reader and tells them she might … just might put something in about a mysterious mission. This is good stuff and readers will just eat it up.
Please don’t let the fact the main character is a girl dissuade you from picking this book up for a boy. It is a wonderful gender neutral story, and Lulu’s escapades will bring delight to all kids. I read this book aloud to my daughter and it is wonderful delivered that way. If your child is an independent reader, the pages have large type and pictures are on most pages. Probably the most intimidating thing about the book is the length at 182 pages.
Final thoughts:
I loved the first Lulu book, I was charmed by the second Lulu book but this third Lulu book was a home run! My daughter and I are unwavering fans!
To purchase this book:
Click on the following link to connect to Amazon: Lulu's Mysterious Mission
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